Though I think everyone on here knows, Jeff submitted his dissertation, so he is, in the words of the cheesy bumper sticker he is going to proudly pick up from the editorial office, "Phinally Done!" We're really excited, and it's really nice to see pieces of the old Jeff resurfacing. Yay for return to normalcy (at least for the next three months)!
Graduation is April 29th, and I know you all can't make it, but if you want to watch the ceremony on the live webcast you can do so by clicking on the "Advanced Degrees Ceremony" link here: Of course, the webcast won't be available until 4:00 EST on the 29th, but it might be neat to see Dr. Ward officially become Dr. Ward, even if it is from afar.
As far as pregnancy updates go, I am getting larger by the minute. I took a certification test today, and the woman who checked me in thought I was about to go into labor. She seemed worried I was in her testing room until I told her I was only six months. Yesterday I tried to find a dress to wear to graduation, but the ones I tried on made me look 20 months pregnant, so I'm still on the hunt. I've lost a lot of my appetite, so eating enough has become a bit of a struggle, but Jeff is doing a good job of counting my caloric intake to be sure I get enough for the babes.
Here's a picture of our furbaby, who can't wait to see the family again!

And, here is a picture to make you laugh. How ridiculous do I look?

Love you all!