We had a doctor's appointment this past Friday. They're starting to put me on rotation so I can meet other doctors in the event that mine is unavailable on the day we deliver. This was the first time I had my belly measured; she said I am measuring 26 weeks, about 2 weeks larger than my actual gestation period (I don't think this has anything to do with when I will deliver; it is just a measurement of my size, and I'm naturally larger because I'm carrying two). We didn't get to see much of the babies, but we did see their hearts and the tops of their heads.
According to our books, they're each hovering around 1.25 to 1.5 pounds, and their crown-to-rump length is about 8.5 inches. Eek! They're moving around bunches these days, but only really when I'm resting. It looks like there is popcorn in my belly with the amount of kicks/punches you can see from the outside. Even Mac has felt it.
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