We're so lucky to have great friends in our lives. This weekend, Matt came down from Conroe to visit with us. He came down on Friday, had some work meetings with Jeff, and then he and Jeff came by my office for the informal baby shower some of my coworkers threw for me. It was a nice, laid back event, which is exactly what I prefer. Friday night, we went over to Rob and Marie's house (the ones with twin boys), and watched the hockey game; Rob is from Vancouver, so it was neat to see the game with a true fan, even though the Canucks lost. We stayed there until about midnight, having a good time watching our pups play together and cause as much trouble as possible. Mac even got to interact with their cat, who promptly swiped him on his nose (no front claws, no worries). He spent the rest of the night whining, wondering why he couldn't play with Franklin.
That was pretty much the end of my weekend.
I spent the rest of this weekend being lame, doing nothing, and feeling crappy about it. Luckily, Matt and Jeff are very understanding and kept themselves busy and Tara was available to chat for a while, but I felt like such a downer for not having the energy to do things like I used to. I'm just looking forward to the end of this process, though I can't really yet acknowledge that this stage is coming to a close. Maybe when school lets out I will be more able to see the light at the end of this tunnel. Let's hope...
It's hard to be so needy and helpless feeling. It's definitely not in our blood to be this way, and it's certainly a lesson in humility. I hope I don't forget this feeling, though, since I would like for it to motivate me to not take things for granted when I am able-bodied.
So, appropriately, my goal this week is to be more positive. I have an appointment and sonogram this Thursday and we'll get an update on the babies' birth presentations. Maybe that will bring us promising news.
I'll leave you with an interesting fact I read in one of my pregnancy books. It said that women who have fraternal twins are four times more likely to have multiples in their following pregnancies. Should we take a poll on whether I should get my tubes tied? Or, should we pray these babies are identical?
Have a great week.
Debbie Downer