Jeff and I had an appointment this week and got to see the babes for the penultimate time before seeing them in person. Baby A was very cooperative and willing to get his picture taken, while Baby B decided, as soon as the sonographer turned her attention to him, to roll onto his stomach and face my spine. I guess they're both establishing their personalities in the womb already. Baby B is still breech, so we tentatively scheduled a C-Section for July 5th. We still need to think a lot about this, as this isn't what we want, but the fact that one baby is breech complicates our decision. Until then, I will be trying out some of these maneuvers (and laughing at others on the list):
Getting a breech baby to turnHere are the most updated pictures for you all. I will post a belly shot soon, I promise. We just have to buy a wide angle lens first.
Baby A (on my right side):

Baby B (on my left side):
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